Advantages of Cycling vs. Walking

Advantages of Cycling vs. Walking

Advantages of Cycling vs. Walking

1. Comparison of physical changes

Caloric expenditure - On the surface, it seems that the caloric expenditure of walking is more than double that of cycling, but because the time spent is different, the caloric expenditure of both is similar if we take the average caloric expenditure per minute. Although the figures are close, cycling is relatively easier. ( Because the speed is faster, it feels windy and the body temperature drops easily, so you don't feel tired. ) 

Heart rate - Very close with minimal differences

If we look at the change in heart rate, the change in heart rate is greater when cycling. The greater the change in heartbeat, the greater the burden on the body, and therefore the greater the amount of exercise. Therefore, the advantage of cycling is that it feels easy, but the amount of physical exercise can be reached quickly.

2. Experimental results.

    Walking - can strengthen the muscles of the calf belly

    Cycling - can strengthen the muscles of the thighs, intestinal lumbar muscles (iliopsoas)

    The main role of the thigh muscles is to support the weight and lift the feet, so it must be well-trained to do. The gastrocnemius (iliopsoas) muscle also serves to support the body, but is as important as the thigh muscles, because if the gastrocnemius muscle is weak, people will not be able to stand for long periods of time and will be easily bedridden.

    Exercises to exercise the intestinal lumbar muscle, in addition to cycling, you can also climb the stairs. However, climbing the stairs will make the knees bear the weight of the whole body, not suitable for the elderly, so, if the elderly want to train the intestinal and lumbar muscles, or cycling is the most suitable.

    3. Use small slopes to do plyometric training

      Recent studies have found that plyometric training requires more than 30% of one's maximum muscle strength in order to improve muscle strength. Without this level of plyometric training, the muscles will still have the possibility of weakening. How can I use 30% of my maximum muscle strength when I ride a bike? The experiment found that 1.25% of the slope can be achieved by riding 50 meters.

      4. Cycling can make blood vessels younger

         After exercise, the flow of blood is accelerated and nitric oxide is produced. The function of nitric oxide is to make the muscles surrounding the blood vessels become soft. The faster the flow of blood, the more nitric oxide is produced. Experiments have found that cycling can speed up the flow of blood ten times. Therefore, friends who have vascular diseases can consider cycling to improve blood vessels.

        5. Expert advice

          Walking and cycling, both aerobic exercises, can make blood vessels younger, lose weight and prevent diseases caused by lifestyle habits, but walking is less able to improve muscle strength.

          How long do you need to ride a bike to make your blood vessels younger?

          Experts recommend: at age 40, 160 minutes a week; at age 50, 150 minutes a week; at age 60, 140 minutes a week.

          If you don't have a bike or don't know how to ride a bike, you can do the following "bicycle exercises" to achieve the same effect.

          • Put two tissue boxes or two books on the floor, do back and forth across the action, do ten minutes.
          • Sitting on a chair, single-leg stretching action, left and right ten times each
          • Standing, one hand on the chair, first the outside of the body leg, raised to the top, put down, open the leg to the side of the lift, left and right legs each do ten times.

           The above three movements, do 3 to 4 times a week to achieve results.

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