Pedaling frequency is the number of revolutions of the pedals per minute.
Maintaining a stable pedaling frequency not only greatly increases the efficiency of riding, but also effectively prevents joint injuries! Muscles are like leather straps, they need to be pulled and released quickly in order to have high efficiency!
By increasing your frequency capacity to conserve the limited energy and lactic acid tolerance in your muscles. No matter what kind of road you ride, ignore the speed and maintain the number of pedaling on the optimal pedaling frequency, you will get the best energy output power ratio. Riding with the correct pedaling frequency can also be effective in preventing knee injuries. Generally speaking, for non-competitive long distance riding, maintaining a pedaling frequency of 85-95 is relatively durable and less likely to fatigue.
Pedal frequency training is a long-term conscious training process, to pay attention to the high pedaling frequency still keep the body smooth, not due to the pedaling frequency to improve the body swing and jump up and down.
90-100 is the better pedaling frequency for flat roads, 70-80 for long climbs.
In the absence of a stroker, keep in mind the speed at 90 and the speed at 100 for each gear combination. Then look at the instant speed on the meter and adjust the transmission so that the pedaling frequency is always between 90 and 100. Using a front 2 and a rear 5.6 to maintain a speed of 22 to 25 km/h is a good way to practice pedaling. Ride at this speed for 5 minutes at a time.
Once you learn to control your pedaling technique, it's time for long climbs. The purpose of this exercise is to get used to pedaling while sitting down during long climbs. This is your way of dramatically increasing your power, and this power can be maximized in certain situations.

1. Correct placement of your body
Including cushion height, horizontal position, handlebar length, cushion front and rear position, the length of the bike driver, etc.
2. Reduce pedal pressure, do not pedal or pull
(1) Give up the personal heroic idea in your mind that cycling is about standing up, using big gear ratio and violent pedaling
(2) This way is not to increase your pedaling power, but to adapt to the rotation of the teeth.
3. Method
(1) Ride on the bike, using a leisurely speed
(2) Shift, find a gear, you do not have to press down the body to pedal, nor will it feel too easy
(3) Imagine that your feet are not on the pedals, but floating on them, spinning smoothly and calmly
(4) Start to accelerate, but do not suddenly step up, pay attention to the focus on gradually increasing your speed, do not deliberately force to step or pull
(5) Continue to accelerate until you can't speak easily and focus on the rotation of the pedals
(6) Keep pedaling for about 1.5 kilometers and try to rest your muscles while pedaling in between.
(7) This is a kind of mental game, your feet keep trying to pedal hard and pull, but you have to use your mind to control them not to do so
(8) Imagine that your feet are spinning beautifully, as the pedal turns out a beautiful circle, imagine that the circle is getting smaller and smaller, your speed is getting higher and higher
(9) In the bottom of the pedal, imagine that the bottom of your foot needs to scrape off a little something, so you toe down, complete the pulling action.

The secret to increasing your pedaling frequency: good technique will enable you to maximize your talent. If you can sit comfortably on the bike and maintain 120rpm, you won't get thrown off in a race. Using a lower gear ratio and riding at a higher rpm will allow your thighs to feel a little easier at the critical moments that will determine victory.
What can you do? Smooth, high-speed pedaling is the key to riding like a pro. You can recognize an experienced rider by this. They're sitting on their seat, their upper body as steady as a mountain, while their legs are running like pistons at high speed. There is no extra movement, no wobble, just like a high performance engine that generates power constantly.
The high RPM of professional riders comes naturally through practice. Use smaller gear ratios so your heart rate doesn't exceed 80% of your maximum heart rate.
(1) Lower your car seat by 2-3mm to reduce the tendency of your body to bounce at high RPM (many people may have this feeling that their body bounces up and down at high RPM as if they are sitting on a spring). Later, you can gradually adjust the seat back to the correct height.
(2) Focus your attention on pulling the pedal past the lowest point in order to eliminate the dead spot in the pedal. (My personal feeling is that using self-locking is more focused on horizontal force, i.e. "drag, pull", rather than vertical "pedal, lift")
(3) Use a meter with pedaling frequency (such as Sigma BC1600 or BC1606) as a physiological feedback to gradually increase the speed, each time you want to be able to ride comfortably at this speed for 5 minutes.
(4) Spend a few minutes per ride pedaling at high RPM, the last 5 minutes during warm-up is the best time.