Cycling Exercise & Heart Rate

Cycling Exercise & Heart Rate

Cycling Exercise & Heart Rate

According to sports medicine research, there is a very direct link between heart rate and aerobic fat burn. First calculate your own maximum heart rate according to a simple formula (220 - age); there is also a formula for calculating the maximum heart rate for people in better physical condition is 205-1/2 age. The two formulas are not too far apart. When exercising, the heart rate zones are divided as follows.

50%-60% of the maximum heart rate, the recovery exercise zone, which is suitable for recovery exercise after a long period of time without exercise; 60%-70% of the maximum heart rate, the effective weight loss zone, in which the body fat is effectively consumed; 70%-80% of the maximum heart rate, the aerobic exercise zone, the zone for increasing aerobic endurance, in which cyclists and track and field athletes conduct their daily training.

80%-90% of maximum heart rate, anaerobic zone, in this zone is anaerobic exercise, the body will be a large accumulation of lactic acid, the body consumes a lot of carbohydrates, in the race often our heart rate is working in this zone. The maximum heart rate of 90%-100% is the extreme exercise zone, the usual exercise should not reach such a high heart rate, lactic acid and too high heart rate is harmful to the body. It is not recommended that exercisers enter this area, this area is only suitable for basic athletes, after at least six weeks of training to enter this area. Note: For some people, such as heart patients, high blood pressure, this area is very dangerous, sometimes referred to as the red zone.

Normally, people can lose weight by cycling by keeping their heart rate mainly in the effective weight loss zone and the aerobic zone.

In this effective weight loss zone, the body relies mainly on burning fat while providing energy to the muscles. Exercising in this zone is very easy and effective, and can be done with ease and without wheezing or pain.

Weight loss is achieved when a person burns more calories through exercise than he or she consumes through eating. Weight loss is achieved by burning calories, regardless of whether the person is burning fat, carbohydrates or protein during the workout.

In fact, to achieve weight loss, a person must work out at high intensity for 30 minutes or more. One of the benefits of exercising in the fat burning zone is that one can last longer than in the maximum intensity exercise zone. Many people don't have a lot of time to exercise at lower intensities.

According to the American Sports Medicine study, the first 15 minutes of aerobic exercise is supplied by muscle glycogen as the main energy supply, and fat supply starts 15-20 minutes after exercise, so aerobic exercise is generally required to last more than 30 minutes. People usually participate in leisure cycling, if continuous cycling does not reach more than 30 minutes to rest, in fact your calorie consumption mainly from the body's carbohydrates rather than burning your fat!

So to achieve the ideal weight loss effect by cycling, you should maintain about 3 aerobic rides per week to make your heart rate work between 60% - 80%, which will definitely burn fat effectively and have a better weight loss effect.

Pedaling frequency and fat burning also have a certain relationship. Riders who ride at a low pedaling frequency (50) break down carbohydrates inside the muscles faster, while riders who ride at a high pedaling frequency (100) rely more on fat. Low pedaling frequency is more likely to consume liver sugar in fast-contracting muscles because low pedaling frequency is associated with high gear ratios and vigorous pedaling, while high pedaling frequency is associated with low gear ratios and easy muscle contraction. Because fast-contracting muscles are more powerful than slow-contracting muscles, fast-contracting muscles work at low speeds and require more muscle power to propel the bike forward.

A pedaling frequency of 80-100 is not difficult for slow muscle contraction and can easily cope with the force required for low gear ratios. However, experiments have shown that high pedaling frequency leads to higher fat consumption. The reason why 100 pedaling frequency has a higher fat breakdown is because the slow contracting muscle cells are dealing with high speed and low force contractions, slow contracting muscles are better fat burners than fast contracting muscles!

Just remember the main point: no matter it is flat and uphill, riders should use 80-85 fast pedaling frequency is more economical and can burn more fat. High pedaling speeds also preserve more liver sugar in the fast contracting muscle fibers, which allows for greater explosive power at the end of the race.

So: low gear ratio, high pedaling frequency, relative strength increases, explosive power increases, fat burning is the main, the consumption of liver sugar as a supplement.

In this way, the quantification of cycling weight loss can be effectively controlled by installing and wearing a pedaling table and heart rate table.

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