Riding position

Riding position

Riding position

1. Cushion angle

    First adjust the cushion angle. The angle of the cushion roughly to maintain the level, because most of the cushion surface on the market is curved, with the eye may not be accurate, so you can take a long ruler on the cushion, and then use your eyes visually, so it is much easier.

    But the angle of the cushion is never the same. For example, some people often complain of crotch pain after riding, which may be due to excessive pressure on the front of the saddle, you can adjust the nose of the saddle slightly downward to reduce the pressure on the crotch area, especially when going uphill. On the contrary, some people don't like uphill very much, but love the fun of rushing downhill.

    And when rushing downhill because of the relationship to control the center of gravity, riders often move around in the saddle and the back of the saddle, it is best to slightly tilt the nose of the saddle up a few degrees, while lowering the height of the seat tube, which will help the flexibility of the body on the saddle when going downhill.

    2.Saddle height

      The height of the saddle is the most important part of the bike setting, especially with the knee injury and pedaling force is closely related. If the saddle is too high, the knee is easily injured, and the center of gravity is too high, it is also easy to produce accidents; if it is too low, the pedal can not pedal power, long-term pedaling with incorrect posture will also have a bad impact on the knees and legs. Only the correct height of the cushion can really play the proper pedaling efficiency, and have the most correct health and do not harm the body's pedaling posture, and not only will not turnip legs, and can also trim the leg shape Oh!

      Knee is the most frequently used part of the body when cycling, but is also the most fragile, the most vulnerable parts. When our legs pedal each circle, the knee joint will move once, such frequent movements, if the method, direction or position of the force is not correct, it is easy to make the knee injury, or even a lifetime of cycling (many knee injuries are difficult to recover from), so we must be careful to do!

      Set the height of the cushion often heard experts say to crotch length * 0.885, how to measure it? Beginners just put the "heel" on the pedal, and then step a few times, slowly adjust the cushion height, wait until the lowest point when the knee is exactly straight, then the cushion height has been about the same! According to this standard cushion height, and then the "palms" back to the original standard pedal position, so that the knee in the lowest point of the pedal will naturally have a little bent, such a stretch position can take into account the pedaling force, but also will not let the knee joint then pedal injury. Of course, if a novice can not get used to such a high riding position, you can also lower the "standard cushion height" by one or two centimeters, or even three or four centimeters, or in an acceptable range.

      The most taboo thing to do when setting the cushion height is to pull the cushion too high, such a cushion height will make the knees straight when pedaling, which is a very dangerous action! Like cycling, which requires the legs to pedal frequently for the rotary action, if you let the knees straighten, not only will the pedaling have a "stutter" occur, affecting the continuity of pedaling, but also when the knees are straight is also very hurt knee joints and leg ligaments. Although pulling up the cushion will have an illusion of pedaling power "straight out", as if this posture to step out, but in fact not, both muscles and knee joints are easy to wear and tear injuries at this time (knee straight). So remember one thing! Bicycle pedaling is not to let the knee straight.

      The height of the cushion should not be too low, the general beginners are not used to the high center of gravity of the cycling posture, so the height will often be pulled down, and pull too much, so that the "squatting" posture will not let the leg strength to stretch open, although riding a little peace of mind (because of the low center of gravity, and the palms of the feet can step to the ground), but the stretch can not be Thighs, calves, and knees will not only make you ride faster, but also easy to cause muscle and joint wear and tear over a long period of time.

      Therefore, we recommend that you first find out your "standard seat height", then lower it a few centimeters to slowly get used to the change in center of gravity, and then adjust it upward little by little (half a centimeter or a centimeter) until you find the one that allows you to feel confident, but also can take into account the pedaling power and can avoid body injuries.

      3.The height of the faucet

        The height of the tap length is mainly to adjust the counterweight when the weight is pressed on the bike, and also affects the flexibility of the control. When riding normally, we should distribute our body weight evenly in the "golden triangle" of the bike: "handlebar", "saddle" and "pedals" respectively. The "golden triangle" is the "handlebar", "saddle" and "pedals". People who don't ride a lot or don't have the habit of cycling are not good at using the upper body muscles and don't move their waist often, so they unconsciously make the position of the handlebar high and close (close to the body), so that the cycling posture is like the usual sitting posture. But such a technically rich natural posture actually makes the body weight too concentrated on the "saddle", while the "handlebar" shares the weight only to a point. Although such a setting can feel very natural and comfortable at first, but most of the body weight on the hips (cushion), after riding for a long time will be too much pressure on the hips and produce discomfort, the lower part of the cross is also easy to have a numb feeling. In addition, such too "straight" riding posture will make the rider's spine directly face the impact from the ground, after a long time will produce back pain, long-term down to the body is actually very bad. Therefore, when setting the height and length of the faucet, don't just want to shorten the faucet; instead, set the faucet in the right position so that the body weight can be distributed to the top of the handle (that is, the muscles of the upper body and arms). Although at first, because the muscle groups on this side of the relationship rarely used, so will feel more weak and easily tired, but after a ride or two, so the muscle groups get used to the use of such a way and intensity, the soreness and discomfort will naturally disappear. Therefore, when setting the length and height of the faucet, you must remember the "Golden Triangle 333 weight principle of cycling".

        The length of the faucet will vary with the length of the top tube of the bike. Since the length of the top tube varies from bike to bike, the length of the faucet is not a fixed number. If the faucet is too short, the weight will not be easily pressed on the front wheel, and the control will easily feel light when riding the bike. This will lead to a lack of grip, which will also greatly compromise riding safety and increase fatigue by stretching the upper body too much. Therefore, choosing the proper length of the tap is often the most important part of the new bike setting, but it is also the setting that the store is least likely (or unwilling) to adjust, and the one that consumers are least likely to feel the effects of immediately.

        4. The angle of the brakes

          You must learn to stop before riding, that is, braking. This is the first step to safe riding. The angle of the brake handle also plays a key role.

          The brake handle can generally be set between 35-45 degrees, so that when riding, the back of the hand and the forearm can be level. If the angle between the back of the hand and the forearm is bent up or down too much, it means that the angle of the handlebar is not correct and should be readjusted.

          The correct angle of the brake handlebar allows the arm and hand muscles to be most comfortable, and to apply force and react most quickly. Remember, stopping the car, or braking, is the first step in cycling safety. A point to put the brake handle in the best and most natural position, so that the chance of danger can be minimized in the event of an accident.

          5. Brake handlebar position.

            The right angle of the brake handle is not enough, whether the fingers can correctly control the handlebar is also the key. Nowadays, most of the bicycle parts are made according to the size of European and American people, so they are too big for Oriental people. The size is often one size too big, making people "finger long". Fortunately, after years of evolution, most of the brake handles now have a very wide adjustment space. So just ask the store owner to adjust the position of the brake handle according to your palm size and finger length, basically the second section of the index finger and middle finger should be placed firmly on the brake handle to be qualified, so that when there is real danger, the reaction time and force of the brake is fast and strong enough.

            Especially women with small palms must pay special attention to this! Do not take your small palm fingers to barely adapt to the design to the Western men with a large handle, in fact, as long as a small adjustment, you can make the car into a part of your body.

            6. Handlebar width

            The width of the handlebar should probably be wider than the shoulder, at least the same width as the shoulder, so that the control room will be dexterous and powerful, and the chest muscles naturally stretch, can breathe very smoothly. Too narrow handlebar width will make the turn in the way, both affect the control and dangerous, and also can not breathe heavily.

            But too wide handlebar width is also bad, the operation will be like driving a "tractor" (truck), the upper body is also prone to too much forward leaning, in vain to increase the strength, increase the burden on the waist.

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