The hiking boom of recent years continues. Understandable, because it is probably the most uncomplicated and beautiful hobby that you can have. What many also appreciate is that it doesn't cost much. You are carried to the top by your own legs, the stop at the hut can be replaced by the snack you brought with you, and hikers don't need much equipment either. Nevertheless, you should never do without some equipment. Even as a hiking novice, you have to think about the right hiking boots, a suitable hiking backpack and suitable clothing. Cycorld presents 7 things that every newcomer to hiking should definitely have with them.
1. good hiking boots
Hiking shoes support the foot and provide good grip, no matter what the surface. Especially in rough terrain, a sturdy shoe is indispensable. If you walk in sandals or light sneakers over roots, through gravel and over stones, you can twist your ankle faster. An ankle-high, sturdy hiking shoe, on the other hand, supports the ankle. Depending on your preference and choice of route, there are different shoe models. For easier hikes, a lighter shoe will do as long as it has a good tread. If you want to go via ferrata, on the other hand, choose a shoe with a firmer sole, and for tours in the high mountains there are particularly stable, waterproof and crampon resistant hiking boots.

2. cell phone with emergency contacts: Better safe than sorry
Even on easy hikes, something can happen. Even if it's "just" a tw isted foot, it can prevent you from continuing. Or a sudden change in the weather brings a thunderstorm. In either case, the hike should not or cannot continue. If there is no hut or inn nearby, you must somehow be able to get help. Therefore, the cell phone should always be charged. If you are traveling abroad, it is best to find out the emergency number of the local mountain rescue service before the tour and save it on your cell phone. Hopefully they will not be needed, but better safe than sorry!
3. hiking maps and GPS device: orientation is everything.
The hiking map is part of tour planning and can also be very helpful during the hike. For example, when at crossroads it is not clear whether to go left or rather straight ahead. In the meantime, many maps are also available on cell phones, but if the cell phone runs out of battery, the map is also gone. Therefore, it is advisable to have maps of the region in your backpack and possibly pack an additional GPS device. The map also gives an overview of the terrain and reveals how steep it is.

4. first aid kit: always with you in case of emergency.
You should never do without a first aid kit, no matter how easy and short the tour is. Hikes usually lead away from towns and cities. It goes into the uneven terrain. Something can happen more quickly there. A graze on the knee is not tragic, but it is better if the wound is cleaned. Dirt in the wound could cause inflammation. If a more serious injury does occur and someone is no longer able to move on their own, the gold-silver foil ensures that the body does not cool down. A few basic skills for first aid are a must not only on the mountain, but also in everyday life.
5. backpack with a change of clothes: good companion.
Many hikers prefer to go without a backpack because it is more comfortable. But first aid kit, water bottle, food and hiking maps must be transported. In addition, a rain jacket always belongs in the luggage. Especially in the mountains, the weather can change quickly. A change of shirt is also advisable. After the summit climb, hikers are often sweaty and in the mountains it can still be unexpectedly cold, even in summer. To prevent colds and not get chilled, a backpack with a change of clothes is a good companion.

6. snacks, water and snack: food is part of the tour.
No matter how short the tour may seem, you should always take some food with you. You can never tell in advance whether the hike will be longer. Perhaps you will miss a turn, or your body will give out earlier than usual for some reason. Then it is important to have at least one energy bar with you. It takes up little space and doesn't weigh much. What weighs more is the water. But anyone who saves on weight is saving in the wrong place. After all, the body is in motion. It sweats and needs a lot of fluid.
7. sun protection: So the sunburn has no chance.
When hiking, you often go first through forests and then further up. Especially at higher altitudes, the air is cooler. Nevertheless, the sun has a lot of power. Even on cloudy days, the radiation should not be underestimated. Sunscreen is therefore part of the basic equipment. Equally important are headgear that protects against the sun and good sunglasses. With sunglasses, care must be taken to ensure that the lenses are not scratched and that the protection category is adapted to the sun's rays. Otherwise, the eyes can be damaged.
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