Hiking-Getting Started

Hiking-Getting Started

Hiking-Getting Started

1. Psychological preparation

Regarding tenacity, we generally think of willpower. It is true that we need to reserve a certain amount of willpower before the hike. The reason why I call it reserve is because I understand it as an energy to restrain the self (it is also different from other animals. One of the characteristics of ), excessive consumption and imbalance may cause consequences. For example, when the willpower exceeds the limit of its own physical function, it may cause permanent physical damage, when it is urgently needed, it cannot be stimulated, and it may also cause irrationality. decision making.

For another example, the concept of "self-discipline" that we are praised a lot now is the same. Chicken blood can be beaten but cannot live on chicken blood, otherwise one day it will not last or suffer backlash. Therefore, my personal understanding of willpower is used for The initial habit formation (change anchor point) or survival is not used to alleviate the normal "pain" reaction of the body during the trip. Once you feel that your body does react abnormally, you should immediately stop and reassess your state. Countermeasures. This point was actually discussed in a Harvard paper, which is why the previous article emphasized the importance of "acceptance".

2. Preparation before departure

Generally speaking, the planning for the progress of hiking activities varies from person to person. My plan consists of several steps: first apprentice → entry (non-snow line light short/long distance) → advanced (non-snow line heavy short/long distance) →Reload high altitude short/long distance trekking. Based on the content of this article, it is mainly for the introductory stage, and the following will only be shared for non-snow line light-packed hikes.

(1) Self-preparation

Yes, trim your hands and toenails every time you set off. In my experience, this is a very important and easily overlooked homework, and it may even affect whether you can complete the scheduled plan.

Secondly, you should review your physical rhythm during the previous hike. Most people can understand from the following parts:

  • When did the first motion pole occur?
  • When did the second motion pole occur? ...
  • When did the psychological pole arise? ...

That is to understand the key moments and functional tolerance in the process of walking, which is more conducive to respond in advance, or stop for a while, or adjust breathing, or adjust the speed of travel, etc., all need to be in the follow-up process. To explore, experience and accumulate. At the same time, these key points will change as the body adapts to changes.

(2) Environmental awareness

Route: non-snow trails with light clothing, generally refer to hikes that do not involve ice and snow terrain and cold climates, and light clothing is more defined by whether you carry outdoor camping equipment (sleeping system and meal system).

Climate and terrain: Climate includes sunrise and sunset time, temperature, weather conditions, extreme weather probability and even humidity, etc.; terrain includes elevation, climb/descent height, distance, and line ground type (mud, fire zone, broken Rocks, boulders, rivers and lakes), etc.

Supply: Generally speaking, we need to know the supply point information along the route, including drinking water sources and energy supply stations (especially important in the long-term process, which can help us reduce burdens and improve safety and experience). At the same time, what we need to pay attention to here is that if the status of the recharge point cannot be determined (for example, there is an available water source in a certain location during the high water period, and there is no available water source in the dry season), it should be estimated as a non-recharge point.

Communication signal conditions: Usually we need to roughly understand the contact signal status during the line process. In most outdoor hiking processes, it is impossible to receive network signals. Only satellite signals. Therefore, the standby mode of communication equipment can be turned on and off according to the signal conditions to reduce the battery. Consumption. If possible, you can also try to identify, track and record the route through professional trajectory software.

Outdoors, we need to understand that relatively large safety risks come from three aspects: loss of temperature, geological disasters, and wild animals. Therefore, an early understanding of the environment can help with the configuration of equipment and greatly reduce safety risks. We should keep in mind that it is never necessary to place ourselves in a non-essential adventurous environment, which is very important.

Of course, in the case of following the team, the above content will be mainly completed and prompted by the team leader and organizer, but it is necessary to know a little about it yourself.

(3) Equipment configuration

The basic point of view of equipment selection has been explained in the previous part:

Functionality>Reliability>Portability>Interesting or Appearance

*Add another premise: In non-essential circumstances, do not choose to travel in moderate to heavy rain or night environment, because this is contrary to safety, experience and continuity, so I will not discuss it here.

At the same time, each hiker will have his own understanding and selection of equipment according to his own conditions, and has always pursued "the best is the best". I am just describing my own experience and experience here, not a formula or rule. .

Starting point: Emphasize that I personally have always been aiming for a continuous good sense of experience. Therefore, choosing lightweight hiking equipment is one of the important directions. At the same time, I also believe that lightweight is becoming an inevitable trend of equipment configuration for this activity. What needs to be mentioned is equipment. Lightweight is not only about weight, but also an important factor in safety, sustainability, and experience. Therefore, it is a balanced choice rather than a lighter equipment or strongman competition.

At the same time, lightweight equipment is only a tool rather than a purpose. This is like thinking that hiking is an experience and a way of life. In fact, we don't need to use ascetics or competitive sports to complete this activity to get pleasure.

Regarding the configuration of the equipment, my current conclusion is: the maximum carrying weight is 20kg (basic weight is about 6.5~7kg, 20kg includes photographic equipment), and the battery life can meet 4-5 days of non-relay energy replenishment. For reference only.

Considering that the overall coordination of equipment will help us to better carry out subsequent upgrades, expansion and efficient investment, it is recommended to make appropriate planning at the beginning of the purchase of equipment. Therefore, based on my understanding of hiking equipment, it can be roughly divided into the sections( I will post another blog to introduce these sections)

(4) Meals

Purpose: Replenish energy on the way.

Configuration recommendations:

Road meals, at the light loading stage, generally consist of instant dehydrated dry foods, such as bread, cakes, instant noodles, etc.

Energy supplements generally choose categories with high energy-to-weight ratio, such as chocolate energy bars or sports energy supplements.

Snacks, mainly for portable and lightweight preferences

Drinks, high-energy functional drinks, drinking water is better

Reserve emergency food, compressed biscuits + small can of cola is better

Recommendations for use: It is usually a better way to continue to replenish during the process. On the one hand, it can improve the travel efficiency and control the rhythm of travel, and it can also protect the function from excessive muscle loss and other organ damage.

(5) Way of travel

Usually, after participating in several activities, we can indeed feel the different experience and feelings brought about by the marching rhythm, and some more optimized experiences tell us: continuous uninterrupted slow progress or short intermittent slow speed without unloading the load Marching may be a better choice.

(6) Recovery

As a form of exercise, diet after walking is very important, although there are not too many taboos. Personal experience is especially good for proper carbohydrate + high-quality protein + proper vitamin supplementation, which may also help you get better recovery and follow-up trips.

In addition, after completing a trek (especially a long-distance trek), psychologically, most of them will have an inexplicable "feeling of loss", which is mainly caused by the considerable immersion of trekking. Reviewing and recording may be a good way of relief.

3. The windfall of hiking 

At the moment we can admire the power that an action brings us, but we must avoid superstitious individuals. In fact, there are no great gods in the world. If there is, it is "natural" wisdom, or it is worthy of awe, insight, and gratitude.

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