Winter hiking: protect your feet

Winter hiking: protect your feet

Winter hiking: protect your feet

When hiking in winter, foot protection is especially critical. When doing outdoor activities, only when the feet are kept warm can the whole body be driven to smooth movement. So, how to take care of your feet during winter hiking activities? I've found some tips to share with you.

1. Choose shoes for road conditions: Before traveling, you need to know in advance the type of road, sidewalk, cobblestone trails, or remote mountain roads? Generally speaking, choose shoes that can support protection and offset the shock force well. If you are walking on an uneven path, it is best to choose high top shoes that can protect your ankles and avoid strains and fractures.
2. Choose walking shoes preferably slightly larger than the usual shoe size, the sole should be relatively strong and hard-soled, the shoes must be padded, the choice of insoles should not be too soft and fragile, it must only be in the toe part of the bend, and will not be folded at the heel.
3. When choosing professional hiking shoes or climbing shoes, it is best to bring another pair of shoes and wear two pairs alternately. If you are going on a city trip, make sure you have loose and comfortable slippers to replace them when you rest at night so that your feet can get better relaxation.
4. Winter must be the foot insulation well, wear good thermal socks and shoes, if necessary, you can paste the heating foot patch.
    5. It is best to bring socks that are highly absorbent and ensure that your feet are dry when you travel. When you travel, your feet tend to get hot and sweaty, which can lead to bacterial growth and infection. Cotton socks are more absorbent and can easily evaporate water, so bring a few pairs and change them daily.
    6. During the walking process, as long as there is a suitable rest time, it is recommended to relax the shoelaces to let the feet rest and breathe, especially in humid areas, it is more important to rest well to prevent swollen feet.
    7. Night rest, you can "hot and cold therapy" on the feet: first put the feet in cold water for one minute, then put them in hot water for 3 minutes, and then repeatedly 4 times, and finally end with cold water.
    8. If the foot has been blistered, you can first use alcohol to disinfect the needle, and then gently pierce the edge of the blister, but do not pierce vertically, so as not to pierce the flesh below. Then squeeze out the liquid, put on the disinfectant, and finally wrap it with a medical gauze bandage.

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