You've got all your gear ready, picked your destination, and finally convinced your buddies to go camping with you.
However, at the last minute, the weather forecast tells you that it will rain over the weekend.
In case of heavy rain and thunderstorms, we have to reschedule for safety.
But if it's a safety issue, then don't let the rain ruin your trip.
Remember these 8 tips to make rainy day camping an enjoyable affair.
1. Be prepared for the details
A big part of keeping your body dry is preventing rain from being able to seep into your clothes and gear.
Use a snow cover (although it's called a snow cover, there are actually lighter styles for rain protection) or wear rash pants to prevent rain from seeping into your boots.
Bring a baseball cap or other outdoor hat to prevent water droplets from penetrating deeper through the collar.
Bring a few tarps and use them to build a "roof" that will provide a nice space to move around in while camping.
2. Check to fix your gear
Before camping in the rain, check the seams on your tent, check for perforations and wear spots in the fabric, and that the wind rope
attachments are flush. If there are any tears, purchase the appropriate accessories to repair them.
If your rash guard is old, it's best to wash it because dirt can clog the fine pores of the waterproof membrane and reduce breathability. If the surface DWR waterproofing coating is worn, use a spray to re-treat the waterproofing.
The same goes for your hiking shoes. Even though they have a waterproof and breathable membrane inside, the leather and fabric of the shoe will absorb moisture and make the shoe heavier and less breathable if the superficial DWR waterproof coating wears off.
3. Pack smart
Your backpack's rain cover is only the first line of defense.
Use plastic ziplock bags for packing to protect the contents of your pack from standing water and side showers.
Pre-assemble before packing your tent, the wind rope can be tied first and the outer ledger folded using an easy-to-remove method. This speeds up tent setup and minimizes the time the tent is exposed.
4. Dress properly
On outdoor hikes, your clothes can get wet with two types of moisture: rain and sweat.
Avoid wearing cotton underwear, which are difficult to dry once wet. You should choose underwear made of quick-drying synthetic fibers or lightweight wool.
In areas where it doesn't rain much, you can wear a softshell. Softshells maximize breathability and disperse sweat.
However, in colder temperatures and heavier rain, you will need a hard shell rash jacket to fight the elements.
Some rashguards now use new materials that provide reliable weatherproof performance, while also providing comfort and breathability.

5. Use proper posture
While hiking, keep your arms down to avoid rain from penetrating through your sleeves.
Then keep your chin tucked in and let the rain drip down through your hat to prevent it from dripping in through your neck.
6. Keep your clothes on
This is also a small detail, but it can make a big difference over time.
Put the hem and cuffs of your bottom layer of clothing away.
Otherwise, as it continues to absorb moisture, your clothes will slowly become wet.
7. Choose the right campsite
Look for a well-drained area.
Stay away from gullies, depressions and soft soil where rainwater can collect.
Choose a spot under a tree or on the leeward side of a boulder to protect against the elements.
8. Set up your tent correctly
When setting up your tent, make the side with the smallest area (usually the back end of the tent) face the wind position so you will sleep better at night.
Use wind ropes to keep the outer tent taut, and the edges of the outer tent should go over the bottom of the inner tent.
Finally, if you are setting up your tent on low ground, you can place a tarp under the outside of the tent to prevent rain from seeping in from underneath the tent.