7 Best Snacks For Hikers

7 Best Snacks For Hikers

7 Best Snacks For Hikers

Everyone who likes to hike knows the look at the signposts along the way, with the hope that the next rest stop or mountain hut is already in the near distance. Because when hiking, the desire for delicious mountain specialties and hearty snacks is greater than anywhere else. So that one does not run the risk of falling into hunger pangs, it is worthwhile to have small, energy-giving snacks with you at all times. They are the perfect way to bridge the time between hikes and the next hut and give you plenty of power. post has put together the 7 best snacks for active people.

1. nut mixtures

You can buy them ready to eat, spiked with raisins or salted and smoked: Nuts. Whether peanut, walnut, hazelnut or cashew nuts - they all have one thing in common: They are power donors and provide the body with healthy fats and a lot of energy. What's more, they are particularly practical: they are easy to pack, easy to store in small portions, and they seem to last forever. If you prefer something fruity, reach for trail mix. Raisins or cranberries are included and the colorful mixture is also considered nerve food. The next via ferrata or ridge crossing is bound to come, and it's good to be able to calm your fears by reaching into a bag of nuts.

7 Best Snacks For Hikers

2. muesli bar

The only way to make it even easier is to reach for individually wrapped muesli bars. They should not be missing in any hiking backpack, because they are quickly unpacked and eaten and also provide immediate strength due to the sugar content. If your legs are shaking or really tired, a peanut bar with chocolate can work wonders. You don't have to compromise on the varieties either. Whether with nuts or seeds, dried fruit, coconut, honey or chocolate - here everyone gets their money's worth. And if you take the packaging back down to the valley, you've done everything right.

3. fruit

As everyone knows: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away". And this is also or especially true in the mountains. The apple tastes everywhere, donates by the contained fruit sugar much strength and is biodegradable. One can throw its core as also times 1,000 meters into the ravine. Only bananas offer even more power, and experience shows that they also provide marathon runners with a lot of support during the last kilometers. They can also be quickly unpacked and eaten without dirt and dirty fingers. And if you don't like either, reach for seasonal fruit. Whether peach, apricot, raspberries or still melon. Prepared and cut, you can transport almost any fruit.


4. vegetable sticks

Vegetable sticks are healthier, but no less delicious. Whether carrots, peppers or cucumbers - anything that can be eaten raw and conveniently cut into pieces is perfect for hiking. Especially if you plan a snack on the road and have other goodies with you besides vegetables. Especially practical: you can coordinate with your fellow hikers and plan a varied buffet. Vegetables can be perfectly prepared the evening before and packed in small and handy plastic bags.

5. bread & rolls

The mountain meal is complete with delicious farmhouse bread, rolls & buns or crunchy pretzels. They are just as easy to carry in bags up the mountain and offer thanks to carbohydrate richness really a lot of power. So if you don't stop for a snack or are on the move for many hours, you should reach for this cereal to get your fill. Whether already topped as a sandwich, with a spread, cheese and sausage or untreated to combine with other snacks - bread always cuts a fine figure.


6. mead sausages and cheese cubes.

So, for those who choose the mountain picnic option and still want to enjoy snacks, it's best to reach for mead sausages or salami in stick form. Just like the two dried sausages, Vienna sausages are also easy to eat out of hand. A good mountain cheese may not be missing with appropriate panorama likewise. Cut into cubes and served with small toothpicks, it is also easy to eat on the spot. If you combine vegetable sticks, bread, sausage and cheese, you will certainly not come down to the valley hungry. Much more one creates strengthened also the last kilometers up to the after-work beer.

7. boiled eggs

Finally, the luxury variant. Peel and eat a boiled egg at 2000 meters, that has something. It can be super prepared, easily transported and the waste is also biodegradable. Whether solo or in combination with the previous suggestions, the egg is definitely a fine thing that makes tired muscles perky again due to the protein content.

What to do if you can not decide?

The only thing that remains is the agony of choice, which snack to take with you on the mountain. It's best to consider beforehand how long the hike will take and whether there are any stopover options, for example in mountain huts. In addition to the best snacks, of course, you also need the right drinks. In addition to water, we recommend apple juice spritzer, cold fruit tea and then, of course, a cold non-alcoholic wheat beer when you arrive at the hut of your choice. The better prepared you are, the safer hiking will be - and the more fun it will be.

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